• Apr 17, 2024 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: Dylan’s Tavern & Grill 118 S Clinton St, Chicago, IL 60661
  • Latest Activity: Apr 12, 2024

Join RE40s Chicago for an opportunity to play trivia and give back to the community!

Please RSVP before April 10th as we have a max availability of 45 people.


We would like you to join RE40s and RenRe to network and play trivia with other insurance and reinsurance professionals in the Chicago area from 4:30-7:00 p.m. at Dylan’s Tavern & Grill. We will create teams at the event so don’t feel like you have to come with a group to partake in the fun. The top 3 trivia winners will win a prize!

Drinks and apps will be provided. All we ask is for a minimum $20 donation to Northern Illinois Food Bank, the fundraising page can be found here.

Huge thank you to RenRe and RE40s for sponsoring the cost of the event so that all of the donations we collect go directly to Northern Illinois Food Bank! Northern Illinois Food Bank's vision is for everyone in Northern Illinois to have the food they need to thrive. We want to help their efforts so please donate today! If you can't come to the event, but you still want to donate we would appreciate it.


Location: Dylan’s Tavern & Grill, 118 S Clinton St, Chicago, IL 60661


How do you reserve your ticket to Trivia for Charity?

3 Easy Steps:


 If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kali Bell or Michael Pardun. We look forward to seeing you all and catching up soon!

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